Monday, May 10, 2010

What a weekend!

Ah. The stress of finals are OVER! Too bad in a week, eight weeks of organic chemistry start. But I am so thankful to be home for a week! Sonya, my best friend and amazing and talented photographer, is also here for a few days to move. I know it's hard for her to be away from her hubby, Steven, but I am excited for girl time!

So much has already happened in the past few days! Friday, it was Christopher and I's one year. He surprised me with a canoe ride down to our favorite waterfall. :) We picnicked near the waterfall and he brought Taste of Thai. yumm. Talk about a photo opportunity! It was beautiful.

Saturday was my sister's senior prom. awwww. Her and her boyfriend were adorable. Hope (my sister) wore a beautiful purple dress and I was able to be her personal paparazzi for the day. Sonya joined me a little later and we got some great shots before they went and danced the night away!

After they were off, I shadowed Sonya at a family portrait session. What a family. :) They had just one son, about age two, who was a character. They were a beautiful family and I got a few really great photos to help build my portfolio!

Sunday was of course, Mother's Day! Christopher was able to come to NOVA for church and he spent the day with my family and I. :) We went into downtown Warrenton for dinner at the Black Bear Bistro with my parents, sisters, grandparents, and boyfriend. It was fantastic. We were even able to get some family pictures downtown. However, I haven't gotten around to putting them on my computer. But trust me, you WILL see them :) ... soon!!

Phew. What a weekend. I am so glad to be home!

1 comment:

  1. :D So fun running into you.
    Like the photos you got, the sun was so beautiful.
    Also, great photos of Hope!
