Sunday, May 2, 2010


Well, I never thought I would ever have a blog, but here I am. It is finals week, and quite frankly, I am open to any and all distractions. My first choice of distraction is to edit all the photos from this weekend, but I am trying my hardest to wait until I actually have the time to devote to them.

To all you curious people reading this wondering why I would start blogging (I guess I'm talking to myself here too), this page is going to be devoted to all of my photography endeavors. After talking to Sonya about some upcoming weddings in Oklahoma and North Carolina I decided I would like to share with the world stories told by pictures.

It's Sonya and I's goal to put forth 10% of our earnings to travel. Well, not just travel. We want to tell the untold stories of the world. It really is neat to see how God uses our experiences (good and bad) to shape who he wants us to be. Our friendship started in Ecuador the summer before high school's senior year. The next summer we traveled to the Czech Republic, and then last summer we had an amazing opportunity to spend two months in India. Throughout our travels we have seen great poverty and extreme wealth, people who need the Lord, as well as people who have found joy in Him. Christ has placed in our hearts a great passion to see all nations come to Him. It's funny, and to most it probably doesn't make sense, but we would like to use photography as a means to this end. I cannot wait to see where this journey takes us!


  1. you are so legit-- blogging is THE hobby to have :) :) I love you!

  2. You are wonderful and I count myself lucky everyday just knowing you are my best friend. :-)

